Ellie (CH Glenleigh Ellice Medallion)

Ellie is my loveable nemesis. She is the only puppy who barked at me when her eyes first opened. When I did not put her back with her mom, she stared me down then she starting yelping like I was pulling her extremities from her body causing her mom to run to her rescue. She pulled that act repeatedly when she did not want to be handled. I told her she was to be the first puppy sold but she told me and was the pick puppy of the litter. Ellie and I have been fight for the CEO position ever since. I often refer to her as Ellie Trump. Ellie does not share, especially attention. She is my only bichon who likes to talk to me. Ellie’s gift is true devotion and lots of “Ellie” stories.
Professionally handled by Lorrie Carlton and Lawrence Letsche, DVM.
- Park Shore Kennel Club, Chicago Illinois Best of Breed and Group 4 under Judge R. William Taylor defeating 101 dogs
- Completed Championship 02/21/2008