Rosie (CH Glenleigh Rose Medallion)

Rosie was naturally athletic as a very young puppy, leaping over objects like a ballerina with her legs extended while her other littermates were still carefully staggering around. Rosie is my dog without borders. Rosie can leap over any dog fence with a single bound and she does not even need a running start. Rosie is a problem-solver, which in itself is a problem. Keeping items not intended for Rosie out of reach is challenging. She is also my great huntress. Lizards, birds and bats beware. Her other job is my best friend. She is also known as a career mom when she had puppies. She kept up her other jobs of BFF and hunting in addition to carrying for the young ones. Rosie is as flirtatious as she is mischievous. Rosie’s gift is laughter and companionship.
Professionally handled by Lorrie Carlton and Lawrence Letsche, DVM.
- Completed Championship 11/11/2007